
ARC Plus Touch

The Industry’s Most Powerful Remote Control

The ARC Plus Touch brings power, flexibility and efficiency to IP-based broadcast remote control. Taking advantage of the scalability of IP and offering innovative options for I/O hardware connectivity, the ARC Plus Touch connects an unlimited number of sites, each with up to 256 channels of metering, status and command.

IP-Based Control Built for the Realities of Broadcast

Bandwidth-friendly, the ARC Plus Touch is optimized for real-world broadcast links, eliminating the need for costly legacy solutions.

Efficient, Flexible Alarm Notification

Alert appropriate personnel with selective alarms. Targeted alerts via email, SMS, or the optional telephone Recordable Speech Interface (RSI) assure the proper response.

Better Access than Ever Before

The ARC Plus Touch supports a wide range of operator access options. The convenient touch screen makes monitoring and control simple. The built-in web interface allows access from any PC without installing software. Mobile access is possible using the mobile web interface or optional telephone interface. PC-based management using AutoPilot supports IP connectivity to multiple sites.


Now it’s easier than ever to connect to remote site equipment using SNMP Plus, the new optional SNMP manager inside the ARC Plus Touch or ARC Plus SL*. Integrate any SNMP-enabled device on your LAN or WAN with no additional wiring.

Built-in Support for Jet™ Active Flowcharts

The Jet Active Flowcharts option makes intelligent automatic site control easier than ever. Create automatic functions quickly by drawing simple flowcharts—no code required. Automatic functionality is built into the ARC Plus Touch, eliminating the need for a full-time PC connection

AutoPilot® Monitoring and Control Software

Use the optional AutoPilot software to manage your ARC Plus Touch and ARC Solo systems.

Optional Recordable Speech Interface

The optional RSI Enables dial-in/dial-out telephone control for the ARC Plus Touch. Featuring a pre-recorded vocabulary tailored for the broadcast industry, users can add up to 1,000 words or short phrases using standard .WAV files.

See ARC Plus Touch in action: Check out our live demo. (Username: demo, Password: demo


Affordable IP-Based Remote Control

Built on the proven ARC Plus platform, the ARC Plus SL provides affordable, full-featured broadcast remote control in a slim, 1RU footprint. With all the power of the ARC Plus system—plus compatibility with any ARC Plus—the ARC Plus SL redefines economical IP-based remote control.

IP-Based Control Built for the Realities of Broadcast

Bandwidth-friendly, the ARC Plus SL is optimized for real-world broadcast links, eliminating the need for costly legacy solutions.

Efficient, Flexible Alarm Notification

Alert appropriate personnel with selective alarms. Targeted alerts via email or SMS assure the proper response.

Better Access than Ever Before

The ARC Plus SL supports a wide range of operator access options. The built-in web interface allows access from any PC without installing software. Smartphone access is possible using the mobile web page. PC-based management using AutoPilot supports IP connectivity to multiple sites.


Now it’s easier than ever to connect to remote site equipment using SNMP Plus, the new optional SNMP manager inside the ARC Plus Touch or ARC Plus SL*. Integrate any SNMP-enabled device on your LAN or WAN with no additional wiring.

Built-in Support for Jet™ Active Flowcharts

The Jet Active Flowcharts option makes intelligent automatic site control easier than ever. Create automatic functions quickly by drawing simple flowcharts—no code required. Automatic functionality is built into the ARC Plus SL, eliminating the need for a full-time PC connection.


Use the optional AutoPilot software to manage your ARC Plus and ARC Solo systems.

ARC Solo

Powerful All-In-One Remote Monitoring and Control

The ARC Solo includes many of the powerful features of the ARC Plus while offering the simplicity of a self-contained remote control unit. 16 meters, status and relays are all available on the rear apron. Automatic functions, email notifications and even the new Recordable Speech Interface are built in.

Efficient, Flexible Alarm Notification

Alert appropriate personnel with selective alarms. Targeted alerts via email, SMS or telephone assure the proper response.

Built-In Telephone Access

Burk’s Recordable Speech Interface is built right in for dial-in/dial-out telephone control. Featuring a pre-recorded vocabulary tailored for the broadcast industry, users can add up to 1,000 words or short phrases using standard .WAV files.

Access from Anywhere

The ARC Solo includes a built-in web server, allowing access from any PC, smartphone or tablet without installing software. PC-based management is available using the optional AutoPilot® software.

Automate with Jet™ Active Flowcharts

Intelligent automatic site control is available using Jet, included with ARC Solo. Automatic functionality is built into the ARC Solo, eliminating the need for a full-time PC connection.

Self Contained for Easy Installation

The built-in wiring interface means nothing else to buy or install. Just hook up the meter and status inputs, on-board relays, telco and LAN.


Remote Control Management Software

Control Everything from One App.

AutoPilot enables multi-site, PC-based facilities management for Burk remote controls, including ARC Plus Touch, ARC Plus, ARC Plus SL and ARC Solo. AutoPilot's fully customizable interface makes managing remote sites easy for operators, engineers and managers. Built-in reports are easily tailored to individual needs, and can be printed automatically or emailed as a PDF to station personnel. AutoPilot also includes network management functionality, bridging the gap between broadcast and IT by including SNMP and ping with traditional I/O.

Warp EngineTM Polling

Warp Engine polling, a standard feature of AutoPilot, enables fast, bandwidth efficient, real-time monitoring of hundreds of ARC Plus or ARC Solo sites at a rate of 100 sites per second, with each site reporting as many as 32 status and/or meter values. Warp Engine polling is highly efficient, requiring less than 400 bytes per second of IP capacity for each monitored site. If communications bandwidth is at a premium cost, it can be further reduced by selection of a slower polling rate.

Jet™ Active Flowcharts

Available as an extension to AutoPilot, Jet Active Flowcharts make automatic intelligent site control easier than ever. Broadcasters can design a wide range of automatic functions by drawing simple flowcharts to describe how the remote control should respond to different conditions. Jet works with any site in AutoPilot, even supporting multi-site control using different models of remote control.

Jet™ Active Flowcharts

Turn your Remote Site into an Island of Reliability

Automated functions using intuitive JetTM Active Flowcharts react instantly without the need for a PC or a live network connection. Automatically manage main/aux transmitter switching, air chain backup, HVAC and more.

Jet Active Flowcharts allows engineers to express their operational logic in a way that is intuitive and natural. Users can design a wide range of automatic functions by drawing flowcharts using the simple drag=and-drop flowchart editor.

Flowcharts execute directly on the ARC Plus or ARC Solo at the remote site, eliminating the need for a full-time PC connection. Jet Active Flowcharts is standard with ARC Solo and optional with ARC Plus.


Antenna Site Management

Arcturus is a complete, turnkey solution providing management and safety for multiplexed TV and FM antenna sites. The system is designed to serve multiple clients on shared antenna systems, while guarding important mutual assets.

Fast RF Fault Detection

Arcturus monitors key RF and environmental parameters including forward power, VSWR, line pressure and temperature. Rapid activation of transmitter interlocks in reaction to VSWR faults removes RF energy from the combiner and antenna system, minimizing the risk of loss or damage.

Proactive Fault Prevention

Predictive Analytics monitors and correlates key parameters, identifying abnormal trends before dangerous thresholds are reached. Maintenance can be scheduled to avert costly failures.

Proven Hardware for High Reliability

Arcturus hardware is based on ARC Plus technology proven in thousands of broadcast facilities. This high reliability platform has been extended to provide the ultimate in fast, dependable protection for combiners, transmission lines and antennas.

Integration with Remote Control

For stations using Burk AutoPilot®, Arcturus data may be integrated with transmitter data and included in studio or NOC displays.



Simple, Scalable,Secure Remote Site Access...

     from the NOC or from the Field

Engineers and managers in the field can now monitor and control all their remote sites over a single secure web link. Authorized users simply launch a browser window on a smartphone, tablet or PC to confirm the status of their entire network and to initiate commands to keep their stations on the air. 

Easy-to-use customizable interface

Arcadia provides summary data at national, regional or market levels, with the ability to drill down for detailed status and control of individual sites. Default screens for each site are generated automatically providing an instant overview of facility status. Users can create their own custom screens highlighting information from multiple sites including meters, status indicators, control buttons, charts, graphics, maps and embedded web sites. Alternatively, standardized hierarchies and site views can be created by the system administrator and shared with selected users based on access privileges. Arcadia’s responsive user interface adapts to fit each browser’s screen size, enabling easy viewing on smartphones, tablets or PCs.

Consolidated NOC communications

NOC facilities running Burk’s popular AutoPilot® software can leverage Arcadia’s centralized communications architecture. Using fast, light Warp EngineTM connections, Arcadia compiles data from hundreds of sites at a rate of 100 sites per second enabling continuous refresh of AutoPilot custom views and alarm logs. NOC operators can view, manage and report on events from a single centralized database facilitating data reduction and WAN optimization.

World class network security

Arcadia resides on a cloud-based or customer-premises server inside the customer’s firewall providing integrated access to ARC Plus and ARC Solo remote control systems throughout the company’s network. User access to the Arcadia server over the public internet is encrypted and secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS). Microsoft Active Directory authenticates each user for access to specifically authorized sites and channels.  


Hosted Remote Management

Arcadia24 is managed by Burk and hosted in the Burk Cloud, making secure remote access easy for groups or individual stations.

Arcadia24 delivers remote facility control to station engineers and managers via their mobile devices. Hosted by Burk Technology on AWS, each customer’s Arcadia24 service is installed, configured, managed and maintained by Burk remote control experts.  

Secure Access

Web links from mobile devices to the Arcadia24 server are locked down and encrypted using the latest generation of Transport Layer Security (TLS), ensuring that only authorized users can access and control each remote facility. Encrypted VPN tunnels and firewall protection guard communications between Arcadia24 and each remote site.

Instant Updates

Cloud based, Arcadia24 communicates with each remote site at its optimum rate, accommodating variations in communications speed and performance. The most current data from all sites is then made available for instant display on authorized mobile devices.

Arcadia24 users are authenticated via Microsoft AD LDS, with each user’s access restricted to specified channels, sites, and station groups. Control of critical site functions can be strictly limited to key personnel while overall site performance may be made visible to a wider group of authorized users.

Customized Matrix Views

Burk provides customized graphical control screens for each site connected to Arcadia24, giving station personnel instant access to critical site information. Sites can be grouped based regional hierarchy, engineering responsibility or other criteria, with easy drill-down to display performance summaries. The Arcadia24 user interface seamlessly supports smartphones, tablets and PCs.

Arcadia24 manages remote sites equipped with Burk Technology v5 ARC Plus or ARC Solo remote control systems.

Plus-X I/O Devices

The Plus-X line of distributed I/O devices allows ARC Plus users to purchase just what they need for their site without deploying excess capacity. The wide variety of channel configurations and special functions available make it possible to tailor the ARC Plus system to meet the unique requirements of each site, from single transmitter installations to large multi-station facilities.

Parallel I/O

Traditional parallel I/O enables monitoring of logic signals, status contacts and analog voltage levels found on a variety of transmitter site equipment and provides relay outputs for device control. Plus-X devices may be installed close to individual pieces of controlled equipment, eliminating long runs of parallel wiring.

Transmitter Interfaces

The PlusConnect™ line of transmitter interfaces make connecting to today’s most popular transmitters easy and budget-friendly. PlusConnect interfaces allow a direct, digital connection to many popular models of transmitters without requiring parallel wiring.

Environmental Monitoring

The Plus-X EM series monitors temperature, humidity, flood/leak, and many other conditions that can cause serious problems. Email, SMS and SNMP notifications ensure that responsible personnel can respond quickly and effectively.

Legacy System Upgrades

Plus-X Adapters allow you to modernize your legacy remote control systems without rewiring.

Special Functions

Specialized functions such as VSWR fault detection and response and remote AC power switching provide enhanced site operational and control.   



ARC NOW from Burk Technology takes the effort out of remote control implementation. Just tell us about your remote site and we’ll configure your ARC Plus or ARC Solo system with monitoring and control points, automated functions using Jet™ Active Flowcharts, email and text alarm notification lists, periodic log capture, and report distribution and AutoPilot® custom views.


Burk’s product experts will help you design the best architecture for your remote control system. Get the visibility and control you need to manage your entire broadcast environment.


Configured systems mean reduced deployment time. Services include configuration of ARC Plus and ARC Solo remote control units, creation of AutoPilot ®  Custom Views and system automation setup using Jet™ ActiveFlowcharts.


Email or text alerts provide instant notification of equipment failures or on-air events. Up-to-the-second status lets you decide whether to drop everything and head to the site in the middle of the night or let it wait for the next scheduled service visit. Save money and sleep soundly.


Jet Active Flowcharts make the decisions and take the actions you specify. Automatically switch to a backup system or control a directional antenna array. Maximize uptime and eliminate repetitive tasks. 


You’ll be working with Burk experts to design a customized system just for your stations. AutoPilot custom views highlight the information most important to your managers and engineering staff. Jet™ Active Flowcharts automate site control using an easy-to-read graphical format that is intuitive and natural. Email or text alerts provide instant notification of changes in site conditions.


Automated logging and reporting of critical parameters for the transmitter and tower lights demonstrate FCC and FAA compliance.


Early warning thresholds on key parameters identify equipment degradation before failures occur.

Broadcast Application

Burk Technology is the industry leader in transmitter remote control and monitoring. Our remote control systems help broadcasters minimize downtime, reduce costs and maintain compliance with FCC regulations.

Receive alarms and access performance data anytime, anywhere.
Keeping unmanned transmitter sites on the air 24/7 requires real-time access to critical performance data and immediate notification of equipment failures. Email alerts direct to your smartphone, tablet or PC give you instant notification of alarm conditions.

Avoid costly visits to remote sites.
With a single click on your smartphone, make a direct connection to an affected site with full monitoring and control of remote equipment. Dial-in / dial-out telephone access ensures connectivity even during IP network outages.

Respond instantly with automated functions.
JetTM Active Flowcharts make site automation easy. Create easy to read flowcharts to respond to failure conditions. Automatically switch to the backup transmitter or the backup power source.

Identify performance degradation before failures can occur.
Monitoring changes in key parameters like forward & reflected power, transmitter heat rise or UPS battery condition can expose potential problems, enabling resolution of underlying issues before a failure occurs.

Schedule custom reports and automate logging.
Create detailed, customized reports. Show alarm history and event summaries, track status changes over time, and print telemetry logs. Run reports on-demand or schedule them periodically. Email report PDFs directly to your desktop automatically.

ARC Plus Touch

The ARC Plus Touch is the flagship of the ARC Plus line. Built for the realities of broadcast, the ARC Plus Touch features operator access via software, web, telephone and front panel. Onboard macros for automatic control enable 24/7 unattended operation without a dedicated computer.

See ARC Plus Touch in action: Check out our live demo. (Username: demo, Password: demo


The ARC Plus SL provides many of the features of the ARC Plus Touch in a single rack unit. The SL is the perfect choice for full featured remote control where front panel and telephone access are not needed.

ARC Solo

The ARC Solo offers sixteen channels of self-contained I/O. It is designed for simplicity, while still maintaining the high standard of performance that broadcasters expect from Burk.


AutoPilot makes it easy to distribute system access across the entire operation. Monitor real-time data, manage alarms, create detailed reports, and integrate video monitoring. Manage IT infrastructure, including SNMP devices, with the onboard network manager. Custom views allow complete control of the operator interface, so frontline operators have all the resources they need to monitor remote sites and escalate areas of concern.

Land Mobile Radio


Increase System Availability

Fast detection and correction of system faults ensures that radio channels are available when first responders need them. RF power measurements at base station and combiner outputs pinpoint faulty transmitters or weather-damaged antennas. Infrastructure monitoring keeps support systems on-line.

Track Base Station Performance

Archer’s unique Base Station Monitoring feature lets you group forward and reflected power measurements with associated keying signals for accurate power monitoring and alarm generation. Or let Archer calculate the keying interval based on forward power thresholds.

Reduce Travel Time

Accurate knowledge of site conditions means you will be prepared with the right tools and equipment to restore operation quickly without costly repeat visits.

AutoPilot® for Archer

Real-Time Monitoring and Control

AutoPilot for Archer provides multi-site remote facilities management using Archer monitoring and control systems from Burk Technology.Monitor the performance of your complete radio system on a single screen, then drill down for full access and control of individual sites.Run AutoPilot for Archer on a computer at your Communications Center or carry it with you on your notebook PC. Multiple instances of AutoPilot can run simultaneously, facilitating redundancy and enabling multiple users to access remote sites at the same time. 

Base Station Performance Tracking

AutoPilot for Archer presents a simultaneous display of forward and reflected Power measurements and PTT status from the Archer units at the transmitter sites, enabling simultaneous display and logging of channel activity for your entire mobile radio system. PTT Flipbooks in AutoPilot for Archer capture and display push-to-talk events including forward power, reflected power and VSWR values. Previous, Next and scrollbar controls make it easy to browse through the historical performance of each base station, identifying drop-outs or intermittent operation. 

Environmental, Security and More...

Detect changes in key environmental parameters before equipment failures occur. Monitor surveillance video, perimeter security, door closures and motion. Track performance of main and backup power systems, backhaul communications equipment and other critical site systems.

Climate Guard

Protect your Equipment and Data

Environmental problems in the server room can cause costly downtime, damage expensive equipment, and even lead to loss of mission-critical data. HVAC equipment failure, power outages, and simple human error can cause catastrophic IT problems—especially after hours. Server rooms and data centers of all sizes require comprehensive monitoring of environmental conditions to detect a problem as early as possible.

Climate Guard monitors temperature, humidity, flood/leak, and many other conditions that can cause serious IT disasters. Email, SMS and SNMP notifications ensure that responsible personnel can respond quickly and effectively.

Watch for Early Warning Signs

Not all problems happen suddenly. A change in how equipment behaves over time may be an early warning sign of a serious problem. A gradual rise in temperature or a change in sound level may be evidence of impending equipment failure. Climate Guard’s onboard charting allows you to watch for changes in environmental conditions over time, preventing a problem from becoming a crisis.

A Monitoring Solution that Grows with your Needs

Climate Guard’s unique modular design allows you to add capacity and features as you need them. Easily add new sensors as you add equipment, and take advantage of new functionality when you need it.

Climate Guard can support up to a total of 64 sensors, including 3 built-in sensors, 8 switch inputs connected to the rear panel connector, 8 powered switch inputs and up to 45 digital sensors connected in daisy-chain configuration to the front panel sensor ports. One or two optional modules can be installed in the front of the Climate Guard unit to simplify daisy-chain wiring and/or to increase the number of switch inputs or powered switch inputs, up to an overall total of 64 sensors.

Climate Guard LT is a convenient package providing up to a total of 32 sensors including 3 built-in sensors, 8 powered switch inputs and up to 21 digital sensors connected in daisy-chain configuration to the front panel sensor ports.

See Climate Guard in action: Check out our live demo. (Username: demo, Password: demo)

Land Mobile Radio Application

Powerful Land Mobile Radio Site Monitoring and Control

24/7/365 Land Mobile Radio availability is critical to public safety personnel and the communities they serve. Burk Technology’s site management systems provide the tools needed to keep your LMR system online and performing as designed, ensuring maximum up-time, enhanced public safety and efficient resource deployment.

Tower and RF Systems

With continuous PTT-based forward and reflected power monitoring, failures in base stations, combiners, transmission lines or antennas are instantaneously detected and reported. Alarms are sent selectively to technical personnel and/or managers anytime, anywhere, on any device via email or SMS text. 

Power and Environmental Systems

Monitoring and control of power systems, including UPS battery status and generator fuel levels, ensures your sites will have the power to operate in spite of storm-damaged power lines or utility grid failures. Detection of temperature changes, water in equipment enclosures, or other environmental factors enables corrective action before costly, service-affecting failures can occur. 

Security Systems

Homeland Security concerns have made access control and video surveillance more critical than ever. Be sure your sites are protected from unauthorized access with centrally monitored IP video feeds. Safeguard your perimeter fencing, monitor door controls, and detect motion in unmanned sites with immediate alarm notification. 

Backhaul and Ancillary Equipment

Microwave systems, routers, channel banks and other communications equipment must function properly to keep your mobile radio channels online. Each of these subsystems can be monitored, enabling quick response to service degradation or failure.

Access from Anywhere

Burk’s Archer remote site management system includes a built-in web server, allowing access from any PC, smartphone or tablet without installing software. Centralized, PC-based management for your entire network is available using flexible AutoPilot® for Archer management software.

Environmental Monitoring

Climate Guard

Protect your Equipment and Data

Environmental problems in the server room can cause costly downtime, damage expensive equipment, and even lead to loss of mission-critical data. HVAC equipment failure, power outages, and simple human error can cause catastrophic IT problems—especially after hours. Server rooms and data centers of all sizes require comprehensive monitoring of environmental conditions to detect a problem as early as possible.

Climate Guard monitors temperature, humidity, flood/leak, and many other conditions that can cause serious IT disasters. Email, SMS and SNMP notifications ensure that responsible personnel can respond quickly and effectively.

Watch for Early Warning Signs

Not all problems happen suddenly. A change in how equipment behaves over time may be an early warning sign of a serious problem. A gradual rise in temperature or a change in sound level may be evidence of impending equipment failure. Climate Guard’s onboard charting allows you to watch for changes in environmental conditions over time, preventing a problem from becoming a crisis.

A Monitoring Solution that Grows with your Needs

Climate Guard’s unique modular design allows you to add capacity and features as you need them. Easily add new sensors as you add equipment, and take advantage of new functionality when you need it.

Climate Guard can support up to a total of 64 sensors, including 3 built-in sensors, 8 switch inputs connected to the rear panel connector, 8 powered switch inputs and up to 45 digital sensors connected in daisy-chain configuration to the front panel sensor ports. One or two optional modules can be installed in the front of the Climate Guard unit to simplify daisy-chain wiring and/or to increase the number of switch inputs or powered switch inputs, up to an overall total of 64 sensors.

Climate Guard LT is a convenient package providing up to a total of 32 sensors including 3 built-in sensors, 8 powered switch inputs and up to 21 digital sensors connected in daisy-chain configuration to the front panel sensor ports.

See Climate Guard in action: Check out our live demo. (Username: demo, Password: demo)

Plus-X EM

Environmental Monitoring for the ARC Plus Remote Control

The Plus-X EM series brings extensive environmental monitoring and control capabilities to the ARC Plus remote control system.  Plus-X EM units can be located where needed in transmitter sites and rack rooms with convenient Ethernet / IP connectivity to the ARC Plus control unit.

Protect your Equipment and Data

Environmental problems at remote sites can cause costly downtime, damage expensive equipment, and even lead to loss of mission-critical data. HVAC equipment failure, power outages, and simple human error can cause catastrophic problems—especially when running unattended. Broadcast equipment requires comprehensive monitoring of environmental conditions to detect a problem as early as possible.

The Plus-X EM series monitors temperature, humidity, flood/leak, and many other conditions that can cause serious problems. Email, SMS and SNMP notifications ensure that responsible personnel can respond quickly and effectively.

Watch for Early Warning Signs

Not all problems happen suddenly. A change in how equipment behaves over time may be an early warning sign of a serious problem. A gradual rise in temperature or a change in sound level may be evidence of impending equipment failure. Onboard charting allows you to watch for changes in environmental conditions over time, preventing a problem from becoming a crisis.

A Monitoring Solution that Grows with your Needs

The Plus-X EM series’ unique modular design allows you to add capacity and features as you need them. Easily add new sensors as you add equipment, and take advantage of new functionality when you need it.

Plus-X EM 64 can support up to a total of 64 sensors, including 3 built-in sensors, 8 switch inputs connected to the real panel connector, 8 powered switch inputs and up to 45 digital sensors connected in daisy-chain configuration to the front panel sensor ports. One or two optional modules can be installed in the front of the Plus-X 64 unit to simplify daisy-chain wiring and/or to increase the number of switch inputs or powered switch inputs, up to an overall total of 64 sensors.

Plus-X 32 is a convenient package providing up to a total of 32 sensors including 3 built-in sensors, 8 powered switch inputs and up to 21 digital sensors connected in daisy-chain configuration to the front panel sensor ports.

See Plus-X EM in action: Check out our live Climate Guard demo. (Username: demo, Password: demo)

Environmental Monitoring Application

Climate Guard and the Plus-X EM series environmental modules for the ARC Plus Remote Control offer a scalable, flexible

approach to server room environmental monitoring without sacrificing ease of installation and operation.

Equipment in the server room is responsible for the smooth operation of a business and its revenue stream. The impact of downtime ranges from direct loss of revenue to decreased customer satisfaction and damaged business reputation. One of the leading causes of downtime in the server room is heat. Server rooms require a constant source of cool air to combat the heat generated by densely populated server racks. Even a brief cooling outage can result in rapidly rising temperatures, eventually leading to downtime and even data loss.

Temperature is not the only environmental threat in the server room. Humidity, flood and leaks, fire and physical security all require attention. Achieving reliability requires IT management to address all of these factors.

Comprehensive environmental monitoring is necessary to achieve the reliability required in today’s server rooms and data centers. Burk’s approach to environmental monitoring gives IT managers 24x7 visibility and tracking of temperature, humidity and other environmental factors. Potentially dangerous conditions are detected and appropriate personnel are notified before costly equipment failures can occur. Learn more about Climate Guard and Plus-X EM Environmental Monitoring solutions and how they can help you maximum up-time and reliability, improve operational efficiency and reduce cooling and service costs.

See Climate Guard in action: Check out our live demo

News & Announcements

AutoPilot® Version is now available for download

AutoPilot® Version is now available for download

Posted Jan 06, 2025

AutoPilot software version is now available. Changes from version to version are highlighted below. Detailed descriptions of these changes can be found in the Release Notes document included in the AutoPilot software download package. New Features and Enhancements

  • R more

  • Firmware version is now available for ARC Plus Touch and ARC Plus SL

    Firmware version is now available for ARC Plus Touch and ARC Plus SL

    Posted Jan 06, 2025

    ARC Plus Touch and ARC Plus SL systems running version 5 firmware can now be upgraded with firmware version Changes from firmware version to are highlighted below. Detailed descriptions of these changes can be found in the Release Notes document included in the firmware do more

    Software Version is now available for AutoLoad Plus

    Software Version is now available for AutoLoad Plus

    Posted Jan 06, 2025

    AutoLoad Plus can now be upgraded with new features and capabilities. Changes from software version to are highlighted below. Detailed descriptions of these changes can be found in the Release Notes document included in the software download package. New Features and Enhancement more

    MaxxCasting™ Deployments at Bonneville’s San Francisco Stations Using Burk Technology’s Arcadia24 for Monitoring

    MaxxCasting™ Deployments at Bonneville’s San Francisco Stations Using Burk Technology’s Arcadia24 for Monitoring

    Posted Mar 23, 2023

    Featured Exhibit at NAB Show – Booth W2753
    Elgin, IL – March 23, 2023 – GeoBroadcast Solutions has successfully integrated Burk Technology’s Arcadia24 monitoring into its recent MaxxCasting™ installation at three Bonneville stations in San Francisco. The Arcadia24’s secure web- more

    Industry leaders depend on Burk.